
Monday, July 11, 2011

Praying and sending; not going

There are three ways a person can be involved in mission work.  The first is to pray.  This is something that everyone can do.  Pray for the safety of the team, pray that the container makes it through customs in South Africa, pray for the work that will be done, pray for those who will be ministered to through the nursing, the preaching and teaching, the kids' activities, the construction, the distribution of clothing, and the meeting of other needs.

The second way is to send.  Mission team are costly, and getting there is half the expense.  Few people can afford to self-finance, especially on top of giving up a week or two from work.  So teams wash cars, sell CD's or T-shirts or other items, have fund-raising dinners at local restaurants, and make direct appeals for cash donations.  If you are  unable to go on a mission trip yourself, but want to substantially help the effort, then being a sender by participating in the activities mentioned above is a great option.

The third way to be involved in mission work is, of course, to go on a trip yourself.  I was planning to go to Swaziland again this summer up until the day I had a very bad motorcycle accident that cost me three months of work and, temporarily, the use of my left arm.  My summer will now be spent rehabbing my broken shoulder.

Nevertheless, I will be involved in the mission.  First of all, I will be praying for the team as they go out.  Secondly, I have written a few checks, bought some CD's, and tonight I will go to Applebee's in Jennkintown to help raise more money for the trip.  I also helped train some puppeteers who will be telling stories to the children using our collection of African animal puppets.

I am sad to not be going, but I am glad that I have a chance to participate as a pray-er and a sender.  Will you join me?