
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Time-shifted Blogging (i.e. why the dates don't match)

My wife and I never watch television together in real time.  We have shows we like to watch together, but we don't sit together and watch them when they air.  Instead we catch them a few days later via the internet, or sometimes a few weeks later, and frequently years later thanks to Netflix.  It's called time-shifting and it's on the rise.

And you who read this blog are experiencing a time-shift as well.

I kept a diary of notes and names while I was in Swaziland this year (from June 29 until July 8), but I didn't have time to write everything out and was also not certain of the availability of internet access, so I am now posting my daily log on a semi-daily basis.  That's why the dates I am writing in the post titles don't match the days the posts appear.

It's not because the internet in Swaziland is really slow.

[Thank you Mike and Erik for pointing out the need for this post.]


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