
Sunday, June 5, 2016

Zindwendweni - a report from the center of the drought

Last summer the Swaziland Relief team visited Zindwendweni, a remote village deep in the bush in Southeastern Swaziland.  We performed our usual routine:  medical clinics, clothing distribution, prayer chapel, and classroom visitation.  I meet some students who loved mugging for the camera, and when their teacher came along they begged me to take their picture all together.  I promised the teacher I would send him a copy of the photo.  

Once I got in touch, we corresponded back and forth for several days.  Below you will see an edited transcript of our conversation (I removed personal information).  

There are two things I'd like you to know from reading this text conversation:

1)  The donations that you made to the container are anticipated and greatly appreciated.  Thank you again to everyone who donated!

2)  As I mentioned in a previous post, the situation in Swaziland is grim.  This year, for the first time, we are taking a special offering specifically targeted to purchasing food to distribute in the most needy areas in Swaziland.  This offering will be collected at the June 4 service at Bridge Community Church in Glenside (meeting at Westminster Theological Seminary's Van Til Hall) but you can also donate online on Bridge Community Church's "donate" page.  If you do so, place your donation amount in the "Designated" box and write "Swaziland drought relief" in the memo.

Twitter:  @Comfort4SWZ

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