We have arrived in Swaziland. After settling in and getting some (very much needed) sleep, we attended a wedding at the main Christian Ministries Church in Matsapha today.
A wedding is always a celebration, but an African wedding especially so! We sang and danced for nearly an hour before the wedding party entered. They entered with a coordinated dance to a cheering crowd. I cannot adequately explain the atmosphere but it was a celebration from start to finish.
Afterward we shared a meal and then visited with old friends and made new ones. Tomorrow our team will split into seven different smaller groups so that we can visit most (but not all) of the churches in the CMC network.
I will be preaching at a service in the capital of Swaziland, Mbabane. I would appreciate your prayers. My text will be Mark 2:1-12, in which Jesus forgives, and then heals, a paralyzed man.
Looking forward to hearing all about it :)