
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

T minus 12 and packing

Twelves hours from now I will be hopping in my car and driving to New Life Church in Glenside PA to begin this year's journey to Swaziland.

All I have to do now is pack.  Once I get home from my vacation with my wife and do some laundry and buy a couple more necessary items.

It's going to be a late night.

That's ok, I can sleep on the plane [ironic laughter from people who know I have never successfully slept on a plane].

Actually, my situation is not so very grim.  I have done plenty of "pre-packing" and organizing, and I pretty much know what I am going to take (the same stuff I took last year).

Still, if you think of it, say a prayer for me when you go to sleep tonight.  Chances are, I'm still up.

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