
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Home, but not finished

It is so good to be home.  Our team arrived back in the USA on Friday July 17th.  After our two-week long mission to Swaziland and South Africa, it was a little sad to leave but oh so delightful to return to America.

By now Facebook has exploded with images, videos, and testimonies to the great work that God is accomplishing in Swaziland and that the team has been able to participate in and be witnesses of.  

As I mentioned in a previous post, the wifi situation in Swaziland was not what I had anticipated.  In the past we have used the wifi at the convent where we stay and I have been able to post nearly every day.  This year we did not have access to it.  We used mobile wifi and whenever I wanted to post I had to ask one of the team to turn on his phone to which we tethered.  It actually worked well but I in the interest of saving data I posted photos to Facebook (which reaches thousands) instead of to this blog (which reaches at the most dozens).  However, I have now learned how to post to my blog via email so in the future I anticipate being able to keep a daily log in real time, even if I can't post photos.

This year, however, as I have in the past, I will be sharing my daily logs in "time shifted" format.  I will post the actual date in the heading and describe the events of that day.  I hope you will find these stories to be worth the wait.

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