
Thursday, June 30, 2016

A circle of prayer

5 am at New Life Church in Glenside.

The team gathers into a circle for prayer prior to departure.

On to New York!

And so it begins ...

Up early this morning.  

4 am.

My is cat in the hallway wondering what is going on.

I have to meet the team at 4:45 am to board a bus for JFK airport.  Our flight leaves later this morning.

I know that some members of our team, those who live further from our rally point at New Life church in Glenside, are already up and on the road.

So begins our day of travel.  Two buses and a plane.  We will arrive in Swaziland late Friday afternoon.  Please pray for our group as we travel.  With a 15 hour flight ahead, I assure you that getting there will be considerably less than half the fun.

This also begins my regular updates.  Thank you for agreeing to come along with me on this trip (electronically, that is).  I appreciate all of the support that has surrounded me as I prepared to go.  I'll be in touch as time and internet connections permit.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Swaziland Trip on Facebook

As you know I am heading to Swaziland, Africa soon.  I leave on Thursday June 30th.  During our trip Swaziland Relief will be posting photos and reports of our relief work on Facebook when internet wifi is available.  If you would like to receive these reports on your Facebook News Feed then please follow these two quick steps below...

1) "Like" the Swaziland Relief Facebook page if you have not already, here is the link:

2) Send a friend request to my friend Ken Stracuzzi since he will be making the posts, here is his link:

I will also be posting as usual on my own blog ( and Facebook as internet conditions permit, but following Ken will give you a more consistent and broad picture of the trip.

One week to go!!! 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

School's out forever

Well, not for me.  However, since school is not officially out for the summer in the district where I work, I will now have time to turn my full attention toward preparing for my trip to Swaziland.  And to updating this blog, which has been neglected for weeks.

When I titled this post "School's out forever" I was referring to my indvodzana (that's siSwati for "son") Mancoba.  I met him in 2007 when Swaziland Relief made its first trip.  A few years later, when he was in "form 5" (equivalent to a senior in high school), Mancoba asked me if I could possibly arrange a sponsorship for him to attend college.  In him I saw a young man with great potential and determination but meager means, and after discussing it with my wife, we decided that we would help to fund his education.  Our relationship has grown since then and he now calls us "Babe" and "Make" (pronounced "Bah-bay" and "Mah-gay") which means Dad and Mom in siSwati.  

So it is with great joy that I announce to you the graduation of our Swazi son, Mancoba, from Mancosa University in South Africa.  We are proud of his achievement and look forward to seeing what he will now accomplish with his business degree.

Follow the blog at:
or on Twitter:  @Comfort4SWZ

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Zindwendweni - a report from the center of the drought

Last summer the Swaziland Relief team visited Zindwendweni, a remote village deep in the bush in Southeastern Swaziland.  We performed our usual routine:  medical clinics, clothing distribution, prayer chapel, and classroom visitation.  I meet some students who loved mugging for the camera, and when their teacher came along they begged me to take their picture all together.  I promised the teacher I would send him a copy of the photo.  

Once I got in touch, we corresponded back and forth for several days.  Below you will see an edited transcript of our conversation (I removed personal information).  

There are two things I'd like you to know from reading this text conversation:

1)  The donations that you made to the container are anticipated and greatly appreciated.  Thank you again to everyone who donated!

2)  As I mentioned in a previous post, the situation in Swaziland is grim.  This year, for the first time, we are taking a special offering specifically targeted to purchasing food to distribute in the most needy areas in Swaziland.  This offering will be collected at the June 4 service at Bridge Community Church in Glenside (meeting at Westminster Theological Seminary's Van Til Hall) but you can also donate online on Bridge Community Church's "donate" page.  If you do so, place your donation amount in the "Designated" box and write "Swaziland drought relief" in the memo.

Twitter:  @Comfort4SWZ