
Thursday, June 30, 2016

And so it begins ...

Up early this morning.  

4 am.

My is cat in the hallway wondering what is going on.

I have to meet the team at 4:45 am to board a bus for JFK airport.  Our flight leaves later this morning.

I know that some members of our team, those who live further from our rally point at New Life church in Glenside, are already up and on the road.

So begins our day of travel.  Two buses and a plane.  We will arrive in Swaziland late Friday afternoon.  Please pray for our group as we travel.  With a 15 hour flight ahead, I assure you that getting there will be considerably less than half the fun.

This also begins my regular updates.  Thank you for agreeing to come along with me on this trip (electronically, that is).  I appreciate all of the support that has surrounded me as I prepared to go.  I'll be in touch as time and internet connections permit.

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