
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Preacher Double Feature

Q: What do you do if you have 7 churches who need a preacher and only 6 preachers?

A: Send someone to 2 churches.

Tomorrow that someone is me.

Our team will split up and pay a visit to most of the churches in the CMC network.  Our largest groups will go to the churches with the most children (100 kids expected in Madudula, 120 in Matsapha ).  I am being sent to two smaller churches.  Alone.

I admit to a certain eagerness.  I  recall the stories of the od Methodist circuit riders that I learned about in Sunday school as a kid.  They would ride around from church to church tending to several distant congregations.  My journey will be easier; they're sending a car.

Still, I don't take the responsibility lightly.  I dearly wish for your prayers for me.  Please pray for me as I prepare, specifically :

1) for good fellowship and against loneliness. 

2) for the Lord's anointing on my mind and my lips, to deliver a message that will bless and encourage His people.

3) for the other teams that go to the other churches.

4) for physical health and safe travels.

Thank you all.  I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes.

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