
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

To Market, to Market

This morning I made a new friend. His name is Milton and he was trained as a photojournalist and has worked in New York City, Washington DC, and other cities around the world. He was a translator for President Obama at Nelson Mandela's funeral. Not that fake sign language interpreter, either.

Now Milton teaches English at the preschool in Licilo. Today Mancoba gave him a lift, and before we left he took us in to a local market.  It was the sort of market that you'd see in a James Bond  chase scene, really narrow with stalls and tarps overhead.  There was a hardware shop, a computer repair shop, several food stalls, and many clothing merchants. I patronized a cloth shop and bought some fabric that will make a beautiful table runner for our dining room or maybe a skirt for my wife.

Don't tell Cathy, it's a surprise.

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