
Sunday, July 10, 2016

The lion sleeps tonight?

Actually, I hope he's awake!

Today is our scheduled "day off" and our plans break down into three parts:

Shopping at the Manzini open air market.

A visit to our friends at One Heart Africa, Ryan and Anna Carmichael.  They manage a farm near Siteki, Swaziland where they practice d teach sustainable agriculture.  One Heart Africa also runs the school in Mozambique that I will be visiting next week after the Swaziland Relief team leaves.

On the recommendation of Ryan and Anna we are going to a different game park this year, the Hlane Royal National Park not far from the Carmichael's farm.  We are scheduled for a sunset safari when the lions are expected to be active.  I'm very excited as I have yet to see a lion on safari.  I'm going to try to shoot one.  (Relax, I mean with my camera!)

More interesting pictures to come this evening ...

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