
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Competition day in Madudula

On Saturday, July 31st all of the churches in the CMC network met in Madudula for a day of games, competitions, and fellowship.

We began the morning with the indoor competitions:  choir, dance, and solo singing.  One judge was appointed from each of the churches and one from the USA as well.  We saw some very good dancing in the traditional Swazi style.  Our dance team actually placed first much to our surprise.  I think this is because they liked our humorous presentation.  We certainly made them laugh.  Too bad we weren't trying to be funny. 

When they announced the outdoor competitions, the big question was "who will get to play the US team in soccer?"  This is because we are considered an "easy win."  The team from Madudula faced us and we only lost 2-0 but in reality we were on the defensive the entire game.  [I'll post some action shots of me playing soccer when I get them from the photographer.]

Team USA fared better in volleyball.  The only problem we had was that kids kept stealing the cones that marked our end corners.  I think they thought they were some kind of toy.

We did have a moment of trouble when a very large and very aggressive man infiltrated the picnic and began rough-housing with the kids (and menacing some of the adults too, apparently).  I found one of our team members from Swaziland and he had a little chat with the fellow and the guy left.  I'd really love to know exactly what he said. 

It was a very restful day for the most part.  In some ways it felt like we weren't working but then one must remember that the most important thing we are building in Swaziland is a relationship with the people there.

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