
Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's the final countdown

[Da-da-daaa-duuuum ... ]

Less than 24 hours until I depart.  Today some last minute preparations.

Went to the chiropractor this morning to get all straightened out prior to my loooooong flight to Africa.  Made a follow-up appointment for when I get back.

Let's see, what to do today?

Better check and make certain that AT&T finally got my texting plan correct.  What a hassle that has been; no one seems to really know the plans well.  Finally I got a customer service rep who seemed to know what she was talking about and then I checked and she had added the WRONG plan.  She added the plan for texting FROM the U.S. TO international numbers, I needed the plan for texting FROM an international roam TO the U.S.  /sigh.  I think/hope the CSR I talked to last night got it straightened out.  I should be able to update this blog from Africa but will be limited to 150 characters so you can expect very concise posts until I get back and can again be long-winded.

Also have to go to REI to get two more water bottles for team members plus a couple of mesh bags that  teammates want to use as shower caddies.  I will also get a survival radio there; I wasn't impressed with the Wal-mart version and returned two of the three I bought.

I have to decide whether there is any American style food I really am craving before I leave.  I have had my Chipotle burrito, my Pizza Hut stuffed-crust pizza, my Egg McMuffin, and my Whopper with cheese.  I may get a steak but perhaps not since I don't want to eat too much heavy food prior to spending a long day on an airplane.

All the clothes I want to take are clean and ready to be packed, I should probably straighten up my office before I leave but I am skeptical that will happen.  I will need to pick up the stuff I have left scattered around the house or my wife will be unhappy.

1 comment:

  1. Wife is happy with the status of the house and our marriage. Your office looks okay, too. So excited for your adventure. Praying you will be an empty vessel and longing to hear about your adventures. I'm going to go watch a chick flick. Thank you so very much. xoxox
