
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Two days to go!

Getting ready today means doing laundry and packing my suitcase.  Tonight we have a special packing meeting during which we will each pack a piece of 'team luggage.'  What this means is that one of our two allotted checked bags will be filled with supplies for the team and the other with personal items.  My team bag will contain the puppets and some other supplies.  Having only 1 bag plus a carry-on for personal gear means I have to be selective about what I bring.

Another item on my agenda for today is to prepare my notes from my last two trips and place them in a binder to take with me.  We are all expected to bring a binder for team notes, song sheets, etc.  I purchased the binder last night, so today I just have to print out my notes and insert them.

Finally, I will be visiting one of my daughters and her two children.  I think we are going to a playground with the grandkids, so I am looking forward to that.

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