
Monday, July 11, 2016

Breaking news

Well, maybe at this point I should say "spraining" news.

It seems I have sprained my ankle.

When the team got back from our safari this evening I went outside to help carry in our lunch leftovers.  I stepped off the bottom stair to the outside and turned my ankle in a hole.

At first I was afraid I had broken it because I'd heard a crack as I landed on it, but the x-ray at the hospital showed no fracture.

I have no idea yet how this will affect my plans for the rest of the trip but I'll have plenty of time to update you tomorrow. I'm on the disabled list for certain.

Please pray for a woman and baby who were brought into the hospital while I was waiting.  It looked like a birth complication and it looked very bad.  We will never know what happened, but God will, so please join me in lifting her and the baby up before Him in prayer.

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