
Friday, July 1, 2016

The first 4900 miles are the hardest ...

... after that you really hit your stride.

As I compose this our plane is about halfway to South Africa.  Veterans of this trip will recognize the ubiquitous "flight map" that displays on the entertainment screen.  Lots of people watching it.  This is my 15th viewing (the only movie I have seen more is The Princess Bride).

So, since I can't sleep -- I've never been able to sleep on the plane -- I will spend some time praying.  Will you join me?

1) Many members of our team have yet to meet.  There is one man meeting us in Johannesburg, plus we are picking up about half a dozen South Africans who the first-timers have yet to meet.  As we get acquainted, please pray that this diverse group connects and unifies as a team and a family.

2) Even once we land, there are obstacles to overcome.  Please pray against lost luggage, problems crossing the border, mechanical breakdowns, etc.

3) Pray that we recover quickly from the fatigue of travel.

4) The team will split up on Sunday and visit about a half dozen churches.  Everyone will be teaching Sunday School or preaching, so please pray for us all as we prepare.

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